How do I make my Pond Pump stronger?

Submersible pond pumps remain fully submerged underwater. You need to place this pump right at the deepest part of your pond inside a pond vault or skimmer box. The size of the pump may range from 50 gallons per hour and go up to 5,000 gallons per hour. If you already have a submersible pond pump installed and you want to make it stronger, here are a few things that you can do:

● First of all, it is important that you select the right pump size. A pump that is too small for your pond may not work efficiently or may not be able to provide the right flow of water. How will you select the size of the pump that’s suitable for your pond? You can use the following equation:

Average depth of the pond x width of the pond x length of the pond (in feet) x 7.5 = Volume of the pump in gallons.

You should circulate the water of the pond at least once every hour. Suppose you have a pond of 500 gallons. This should have a pump that runs on at least 500 gallons per hour. If you also have a pressurized filter installed, it would be easier to operate the pump. In such cases, you can circulate the water at least once in two hours.

● In addition to selecting the right size of the pump, it is also important to check for blockages. The development of algae around the pump may restrict its ability to circulate water. Moreover, twigs, leaves, and debris may enter the pipes connected to the filter and the pump. This would eventually cause your pump to underperform. It would take a longer time for your pump to circulate water. Therefore, you need to check the pump and its hoses at least once in two weeks to ensure that there is no debris or algae around. If you notice anything, clean them as soon as possible. This should make your pump stronger and perform way better than before.

● The size of the pipe is also crucial for the overall performance of the pump. You shouldn’t use undersized pipes in any way whatsoever. Undersized pipes are responsible for your pump underperforming. It would reduce the flow of water. Your pump may work at its maximum capacity but you will notice that the water circulation is taking more time than usual.

It is always best to check the cord length of the pump before installing. Different pumps require different cord lengths. Ideally, the cord should be long enough to reach the other end of the pond. You can check the electrical codes required for such cords. A few codes require the water features to stay out of the water and maintain a gap of at least 6 feet. You should choose an electrical outlet that you can use outdoor. The outlet must contain a GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) so that it can shut the pump down during an overload.

The advantage of using submersible pond pumps is that you can install them easily. Moreover, they are quite economical for small ponds. If you want an affordable pump that doesn’t require too much maintenance and won’t make a lot of noise, then it’s better to stick to a submersible pond pump. Most importantly, these pumps are available in oil-free versions. If your pond has flora and fauna, it is essential to choose a pump that doesn’t require oil as fuel. You would not only be able to maintain the water flow of your pond but also keep the flora and fauna healthy.